Imagine if the game would have been release for xmas like ICR2...
Imagine if the game would have been release for xmas like ICR2...
trust me, this release has a virus... it was most likely ripped from a
demo CD at some trade show a while back, and the guy who ripped it
probably had the BURGLAR.1150 virus on his system when he installed
it/tested it/whatever. The group that released this alpha ware is
virtually unknown in the underground community... so its probably just
some lamo who wanted to be cool.
Mark Prince The WriteDesign Company
Visit my web page at
If you are referring to the 21 disk version it IS out and it has several viruses
inside it PLUS it is VGA only and is dated almost 7 months old. I'd wait for
the REAL THING if I were you....
>yeah but which site is it on? I want it now!!!!!
>The answers are there. You just have to know where to look...
>Check out my web page for all your links to F1GP,Indycar,ICR2,Nascar and
>Do it know :
21x 1.44 files? By the time I'm done downloading, the game would be out
and old. But seriously, polymorphic virus? You guys are so full of shit,
I'm amazed I'm even bothering to answer this. <g>
> >Funny you should say this because my freind in Fla. called last night to
> >tell me he found a pirated F1GP2 on hte net and downloaded it. He wanted
> >to know if I wanted it on several floppies. I said " No, I will wait for
> >the CD-rom and buy it" He calls the next day saying that his hard drive is
> >***ed. I did not laugh to his facce but I guess e got what he deseved.
> >Its not like he was getting some old obscure game. He was trying to get
> >the lateest release for free.
> Looks like my sources saying it has the Burglar virus are right... and
> you know what... not EVERY virus scanner will catch this *** one...
> I'm not sure, and someone can correct me on this, but I think Burglar
> is polymorphic... which means it changes to prevent anti-virus
> software from detecting it.
> Mark
> ________________________________________________________
> Mark Prince The WriteDesign Company
> Visit my web page at
Eldred Pickett
I am NOT paranoid. And why are you always watching me?!?
Can you please tell me the URL of the 21 zip files with F1GP2? Is this a beta version?
How do you clean the virus? Which antivirus did you use?
Thanks a lot!
Bernardi Ernie
> Can you please tell me the URL of the 21 zip files with F1GP2? Is this a beta version?
> How do you clean the virus? Which antivirus did you use?
> Thanks a lot!
> Bernardi Ernie
Can't wait for Microprose, I need to see it now.
> > Can you please tell me the URL of the 21 zip files with F1GP2? Is this a beta version?
> > How do you clean the virus? Which antivirus did you use?
> > Thanks a lot!
> > Bernardi Ernie
> Did you manage to find out where the site is ?
> Can't wait for Microprose, I need to see it now.
> Thanks
On Thu, 04 Jul 1996 11:20:22 -0700, Darren Ashley
>> Can you please tell me the URL of the 21 zip files with F1GP2? Is this a beta version?
>> How do you clean the virus? Which antivirus did you use?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Bernardi Ernie
>Did you manage to find out where the site is ?
>Can't wait for Microprose, I need to see it now.
GP2.. its out there..
.. some ***y where....
What did you smoke ????