>>>I think it's a favour we owe, after all MPS', and Geoff's team's
>>>efforts, to buy the game fair and square. I too wanna play it now, but
>>>when I read that there's a pirate version doing the rounds I felt like
>>>shit inside. I don't even want to see the pirate version, it's a total
>>>sign of disrespect and I think we owe more.
>>yes,pirating sucks etc.
>>but don't u think it's "safer" to download it,try and see how it does on
>>your machine,afterwards,if u like it,just buy it when it comes out,else
>>just delete it.
>>It's a safer bet than paying $90 for it only to find out it doesn't run
>>on your machine at a acceptable rate.
>Yeah, in principle it's a good idea, but in practice it's simply
>encouraging piracy. I'd rather wait ten days than go into a warez
>group and drag a free game that I don't deserve out! If you can't wait
>ten days and decide to get the game, then buy it properly when it is
>released then that's all very well but you're just supporting pirates
>who will supply it to people who don't end up buying it. Whatever way
>YOU go about it, Microprose will still suffer regardless; so think
>about it first.
>Please take note, cheers,
>Dave Bowers.
Hi Dave,
regarding MPS,the "latest" game I've brought from them,which is "1944 across
the Rhine",I've to say I was beening rip-off.
On the side of the box,the system requirements said minium 486 dx33 and
4 meg ram,I've a 484dx66 plus 8 meg,so I thought I should get some reasonable
performance,but in the end,it turns out that even a P100 and 16meg ram aren't
powerfull enough to run it(if u don't believe me,ask anyone in the
comp.ibm-pc*****.games.stratigies newsgroup),and guess what?I can't get a
refund,and it's been gathering dusk ever since(until I get a >P100 anyway)
if I've downloaded it instead....... :(
BTW the game itself wasn't too bad,it's just being TOO SLOW.