job, and while I've been mostly blown away by the perfomance of the
card, I do have a problem with F12k2/GTR.
My system is an AMD XP2100+, MSI KT3-Ultra MB, 512mb DDR, SB Live.
I run F12k2 under XP using the Omega drivers based on the 3.4 Cats.
I did have a Ti4200 in my system, so when I upgraded my settings
carried over after I ran 3Dconfig to fix the drivers. I also ran
RegCleaner to clear out any old nVidia entries first.
My in-game settings are:
Circuit Detail - High
Player Detail - Full
Visual Lighting - High
Shadows - High
Other Veh Det - Full
Image Quality - High
Special FX - Med
Mirrors - On
Pitcrew anims - Low
16 vehicles visible.
I know I could run this on my Ti4200 at 1024x768 16bit 2xAA 2xAniso
and get reasonable framerates, so I was hoping I could do 4xAA with
the 9700. With the above settings I get around 18-20fps in game,
which I can increase by around 20FPS by setting the shadows to Med
(which removes them and makes the cars look like they're floating -
which I can't stand). I've tried 1280x1024 16bit with no AA, 4x Aniso
and it seems OK (~30FPS in game with other cars around).
Could someone with a similar rig post thier settings and FPS with a
9700 card? I paid serious money for this card so I could get 4xAA in
every game and this is leaving me a little disappointed. I've read a
few posts where it looks like I should be getting 50FPS - but at what
PS - I get 11,000+ 3dmark2001SE with no AA, default aniso, high mipmap
and IQ settings.