Hi everyone,
I just wanted to post this note because I'm down to my last
nerve with this long setup thing.I have great short races setups and they
are fast enough for short races.But where i'm having a problem is my setups
are burning the tires up.For example at Atlanta ican qaul at 188 to 189 and
race at the same speeds until the last couple laps in a 5% race in which my
last lap is a high 186 because the car begins to push and tires are hot.But
I'm looking to run faster laps for a longer period at these tracks:
Atlanta, Char.,
Darl, and Mich.Which are 4 of my best 5 tracks.SoIf anyone canhelp me out
here it would br greatly appreciated.I need to run fast and good for 20%
races.I'm running a Ford chasis and Hoosier tires.I've tried Goodyears but
I just can't seem to get a good setup for Gy's even for short races.I'm not
looking for someone elses setup just some help onsetting cars up for 20%
races at 80degrees temp.I also seen a post on here by Jullian (Hope I
spelled it right) Data that if anyone need some help on setting cars up for
Hawaii to e-mail him but I didn't get is address before I deleted the
message.So If Mr. Data come across this note or anyone else that is willing
race tomorrow night at Darlington.Thanks in advance