Hey Chuck,
First of all, I Can't believe that your performance should drop.
Second, I'm not sure what BIOS revision you're running, but it should be
6BB-1A8 or if it's a V1.0 Board, bb-v10-1a6.
Once you flash the BIOS there should be an option under Chipset setup that
allows AGP 2X or 4X depending upon what your card supports. I'm not sure
which that is in your case. This will change the speed at which your AGP
card (I hope it's an AGP Version and not PCI) will speak to the Bus.
From there, I would also make sure that your game is configured to run as
Glide and Not Direct3D. I have yet to see a case of D3d running faster than
glide, even on my own system with an old Canopus Voodoo 1 and Riva TNT
Ultra. The numbers you suggest in your post sound like what I experience.
If you need the files to flash the board, I'll send em to ya. I know their
site can be a *** if you're using a modem. Nearly impossible to get files
off of.
Hope that helps.
>Recently upgraded to voodoo3 2000/agp on a soyo 6bb-v1 mobo from
>a rendition v2200 video board. Having problems with the V3 with
>fps in GPL.
>With no graphic option changes in game, fps was 31-32 on start
>line with rendition. V3/2k was 18-19. v3 faq indicated bios
>changes which I did (video cache/shadow:disable) and fps is
>now 27-28.
>I am new to 3dfx, so how do the versions work? win98/display/
>settings/advanced/3dfx-info/current-driver indicates
>version: (8/27/99) after installing from cd.
>How does this relate to driver 1.02.11 or 1.03.05 for v3/2k?
>Also, I have no "dxdiag" tool within win98, I ran "dxtool" which
>indicates Directx-5 with on most entries. With
>discussions I've read it seems that v3-2k v1.02.11 with directx
>ver 6.1 is safest. Where do I get directx6.1?
>I have set option to "limit texture memory to 2mb" for glide.
>Why does it keep defaulting back to "desktop" from glide/opengl
>Any help would be appreciated...Chuck