I recently got GPL and I like it but I'm having trouble with a
persistent hang. I'll be in practice or a race (against AI right now)
and suddenly I'll just get dropped to the desktop with only a Program
Error type message remaining. GPL is totally shut down. (I'm sorry I
didn't copy the message. Will next time).
What I'd like to know is whether maybe this is happening because of my
system configuraration. I have:
K6 200 MMX with 64 MBs EDO Ram; ATI Mach 64 2D chipset; a generic 3D
card that has a Voodoo 1 chipset; a SB16 sound card. I'm running
Windows 95 4.00.950 B. I think that's OSR2.
So... Anyone have any suggestions why this is happening? Could it be
the CPU or maybe the 3DFX chip overheating?
Any help is appreciated but if you post a reply here please mail me
too. Thanks.