The last few month's I hadn't been playing very often ( work,women the usual
thing's that can get in the way) and was looseing my touch, I use to run low
1:27s at Monza, 1:57s Rouen etc., But never got around to the Ring.
When GPLrank came out it inspired me to give it a try and see how I would
fair,I figured I had some good times and would give it a go, I was humbled very
quickly when I ranked 572. I compared times and realized the Ring was killing
me, I drove a 10:02 just to get a ranking, and it was a chore to get that ( in
the Lotus ).
I tried an Allison's Ferrari setup and managed a 9:16 then a 9:01.43 and
moved up to 417, and I actually enjoyed doing it.I'm starting rally like the
Ring, I love a good challange and it certainly offers that!.
If it wasn't for GPLrank, I don't know when I would have gotten around to the
Ring, if at all. GPLrank has rekindled my love for this sim and I'm doing those
2,3 hour sessions again, I would like to eventually get into the 100 rankings.
I just wanted to thank the folks who started up this site.
I play many other racing sim's but GPL is my only love.
I'm sure there's a few out there who know how I feel.
Happy racing everyone and good luck.