discussion here on r.a.s. about the problems GPL online networking
had with going through a linux box used as a getway out to the
Internet with IP Masquerading.
I saved some posts from some of newsgroup readers explaining how to
allow GPL to host online races through an IP masquerading linux box,
but I didn't see anyone mention that they could also *join* a race
as well as hosting a race.
If anyone out there is using this setup could you please summarize how
well you got GPL to work with this setup (both hosting and joining).
I am currently running both a linux box and a win98 box with individual
DHCP dynamic IP's, but may be forced in the near future to only use
one IP so I am considering going the IP masquerade route, but not if it
will no longer allow me to host or join GPL races online through my ADSL
Thanks in advance for any info.
Seeyas on the track.
--John (Joao) Silva