I don't think it is a "bug" Your new version is just not compatible
with the old, either in a season or online. The only way to run the old
season to it's finish would be to make a 2nd instal of n3 and don't
patch it. Or delete your patched version, re-install, run some of your
season, then repatch..etc...
dave henrie
> I upgraded to the N3 patch, then when clicking to continue my season from
> the main menu, I get kicked to the desktop, in the error report it gave me
> loads of HEX values, when I got the exe from the CD it works fine, but of
> course I now don't have the correct version of N3!
> Is there any way to race online with the new version and offline in my
> season with the new version? Or is this a known bug?
> Thanks
> Tim
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/***.com