Could some kind soul out there give me a hint on a good lap time at
Mosport? My current best is 1m25.1 and I don't really know how that
compares with the times other people are running. I'm finding it really
hard to put a good lap together at the place. Turn 2 is especially hard,
I always seem to get it wrong somehow!
FYI, here are my other laptimes, all in the Lotus:
Kyalami - 1m21.5
Spa - 3m22.0
Rouen - 2m00.8
W. Glen - 1m06.9
Monza - 1m29.3
S'stone - 1m31.6
Many thanks,
Graeme Nash
You know what to do with "don't_spam_me"...
ICQ# 11257824
"My car appeared to disagree with my preference for living"