Recently purchased NASCAR2 and am totally familiar with NASCAR1 and its
Paintshop capabilities but lack full understanding for NASCAR2.
The NASCAR2 Users Guide has no explanation on how to use the Export/Import
shown on the bottom control board of the Paintshop Paint Car screen.
1. Can one "export" a car so it can be painted with another paint program?
2. Can other cars be "imported" to replace an existing one?
3. In NASCAR1, cars can be swapped within the Paintshop Program, - can this
be done with NASCAR2 Paintshop?
4. In NASCAR1 Paintshop, decal items etc. could be cut and copied from one
car and placed on another, - can this be done in NASCAR2 Paintshop?
Finally, how does one change the "position" of drivers in the Entry List? For
example: Moving a drivers' name from position number 1 to say position number
5 and vice versa?
Any info would be appreciated.