>>Most Americans just have extremely bad luck.
>>Like me, whose cable system adds Speed Vision
>>tomorrow... 7 days before my TV goes onto the moving van ;)
>Well, at least you'll have it for 7 days, and might be able to catch
>some of those specials this week. Some cable companies (ahem...mine
>in particular) don't carry it and have no plans to AKAIK. They'd
>rather add another shopping channel or three. :(
>Dave Mack
Oh yeah, don't ya just love THOSE. I feel your pain, no speedvision, and
ESPN-2 requires a package with some other neat stuff, that sadly requires
the use of those damned cable converter boxes, that of course make watching
and recording different programs a pain, and screws up the picture in
picture and all the other neat stuff of cable-ready TV's. So for now I do
Have always been a NASCAR fan, kinda hard to miss it here in NC, but F1,
CART, IRL aren't too far behind, and I'll watch most anything with wheels
racing. A lot of my friends though completely do not get "pointy-car"
racing, so don't watch any of the open-wheel stuff. Drug several to the IRL
races here and they had a blast, although they missed the "rubbin" of the
stockers. They do seem to appreciate Schummy when I show them a tape of an
F1 race, they think he'd be pretty cool to have in NASCAR (appeals to the
Earnhardt element, I do see the connection <g>)
So yes, there are F1 fans in the US, even in the "NASCAR South". Actually,
you can probably thank computer games for this, as I really got hooked on
Turbo-Era F1 playing Grand Prix Circuit and Ferrari Formula 1 on the old
C-64, which piqued my interest for F1 a lot, then of course GP1 (World
Circuit) on the PC. And I usually find it more exciting chasing down that
single-point sixth spot in GP2 or F1RS than banging fenders in N2 even
though NASCAR is my real-world favorite. So I'm really looking forward to
GPL here. Yes, some because I want the latest and greatest sim, but also
because I like Formula 1 racing a lot too - and to simulate some of that
James Garner "Grand Prix" action of course :-)