Not all 3 digit cars are ones that are auto assigned. Some people use 3
digit numbers, even in the 300s.
> says...
> > This is _not_ a flame but a statement and petition for help from an
> > puzzled user of N2002's original US version who can't seem to figure out
> > to adjust the program properly :-)
> > I keep wondering why online the opponents often get plain colour cars
> > hardly any decals and no sophisticated paintschemes, instead of the
> > beautiful paintschemes that N2002 has.
> > Why does anyone get a plain blue no 311 car with hardly any decals when
> > there are only 25 drivers in the race? And why is the no 7 or no 24 car
> > an online race a plain blue or green car with hardly any decals and no
> > advanced paint scheme, when there are so many beautiful paint schemes in
> > N2002's car directory and only 30 drivers in the race? Even the Car2002
> > Roster contains more drivers than that!?
> > I was trying to see if I can find a Multiplayer Roster, but there
> > seem to be one. Is it that all these people have selected the same
> > car and hence some fantasy car is chosen for those who came later? Is
> > a way to limit the choice the program has to the nicer paintschemes
> > the Car2002 Roster?
> > Is it possible to get the beautiful cars that actually exist within
N2002 in
> > online races as well, instead of the plain brown/green/blue ones without
> > decals or frills?
> > Thank you in advance :-)
> > Achim
> In online races...
> When you see a regular cup driver - that person specifically chose that
> car as his online car. Since everyone theoretically has that car, the
> likelihood that everyone else in the race will see it is quite high.
> When you see a single color car with a two-digit number - that p[erson
> is racing his own car but you don't have the car fie for it, so the sim
> is replacing it with one of the generic cars, and placing the correct
> number on it.
> When you see a single color car with a number in the 300's - that person
> joined the race with the same car number as someone else that's already
> joined the race. The sim is not only using one of it's generic cars,
> but it starts out assigning car numbers that start at 300.
> If you join a race and get one of the 300-number cars, you may as well
> just tough it out. Disconnecting and rejonigin the same race will
> result in you getting the same car number, even if the person that had
> your car number disconnects in the interim. Further, not only does
> everyone else see the 3xx car, but you do too (you don't get the
> paintjob OR the car number you thought you would).
> When I was running N4, I ended up with over 2500 car files (not counting
> the ones that originally came with the game). I saw MAYBE one car in
> each race that was one of these 2500 cars. I decided that it wasn't
> worth the hard drive space, so I no longer download other people's cars
> unless they're in a league/club I'm in.
> --
> =========================================================
> Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
> DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
> DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
> Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
> If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
> above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.
> =========================================================