F1 sim, but the cars just feel really heavy now since F1RC was released.
What addons are you talking about in terms of eyecandy rivalling F1RC? None
that I've tried come anywhere near.
> physics-wise (this is especially true once you apply the All Chassis
> Patch to gain the advanced physics). This is a VERY under-rated sim,
> IMO. Too many people couldn't get decent performance out of F1 2000,
> and I don't they they've given F1CS2000 a fair shake (you included,
> perhaps?).
> With some of the current graphics add-ons, F1CS2K rivals F1RC in terms
> of eye-candy.
> This may not be the definitive modern F1 sim, but its successor -- F1
> 2001 -- will be, without a doubt. F1 2001 could well exceed GPL, N4,
> and WSC.
> Just my $0.02 (hey, you asked!).
> -- JB
> >Well, after having been taken part to a N4 practice on-line series of
> >four about 50% races, and after some years of GPL offline experience,
> >I must confess that to me all those three "good" modern F1 "sims" -
> >F1CS2000, GP3 and F1RC really are not so very good! They all do have
> >their good points, but I think they really are not simulators in the
> >sense of GPL and N4 are! What do you think?
> >Arto
> >PS Sierra/Papy, please make us a _good_ modern F1 sim with on line
> > capabilities like N4 has!