TOCA 2 Problem.....


TOCA 2 Problem.....

by pjgt.. » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Hmmm, when I attempt to play TOCA 2, I select start from the first TOCA
2 screen, I then only have the network race option, none of the other
options are available? (Yes, I have the cd in the drive and the cd works

This program was ok about a week to 10 days ago, and I have done nothing
since then except install and uninstall Sega Rally 2, and install Rally
Champ, neither of which should interfere with my TOCA 2 installation as
they are not even on the same drive! I have changed nothing else on my
pc since then?

Anyone come across this before, or have a cure?


*Peter* -


TOCA 2 Problem.....

by Crai » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Download a no cd patch.

I'm getting pi**ed off with all this on disc copy protection.
I bet the US version doesn't have it.



TOCA 2 Problem.....

by tinke » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

One possible is that the drive letter for your CD Rom is no longer true in
the registry.
Did you add a partition or a drive?
If you have Norton Utils System check this should pick up on it otherwise a
manual check in the registry.
Could also try a re-install after having backed up your current Toca
directory. After re-install just copy the back up over the new directory.
I had a similar problem after adding partitions but used PQ's Drive mapper
to pickup on the changes.

Hope this helps.

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