I guess it is always on how real do you want the damage model. Alot of the wrecks
that we survive in N2 and even stay on the lead lap put a real car out of the race.
I'm hoping for more levels of damage. To be real, you should loose a lap even for a
minor incident, where as it is in N2, you can crunch up the car a little and get it
fixed and still stay on the lead lap at most of the tracks. I guess it would depend
on the damage level and if the physics would allow you to change certain things to
be fixed.
The fire issue is always touchy since Nascar has a say-so in what is involved with
the sim. Naturally, they don't want to see any fire in the accidents because of the
nature of tragdady involved with fire in accidents. Personally, I would like to see
it to on a rare occasion but I would not hold your breath on that one. You ever
wonder why you don't see the car parts fly outside of the pit walls in N1 and N2
accidents?...you guessed it. Nascar does not want a game showing car parts flying
up in the stands....one of their biggest fears. Thought about this last year when
Ernie's hood flew up in the stands in the Daytona 500.
Since you most rarely ever use the reverse in Nascar racing, I could not seeing this
being a big issue.
The tow truck and emergency vehicals was something I would like to see too. With
Indy 500, the Papyrus sim in about 1989, wrecked cars would stay on the track for
laps so a 6 car wreck could take 5 or 6 laps to clear up. I500's AI had the ability
to negotiate the wrecked cars where later Papyrus sims that included multiple
tracks, did not have this ability. That is why you would see the car vanish after
15 seconds. Ever notice the AI cars bunch up when there was a few cars wrecked on
the track. Imagine putting a tow truck and rescue vehicals out there too. :> What
a mess :>
Good news is that along with the new physics comes new and smarter AI that should be
smart enough to get around disabled cars on the track. If this is so, I hope the
other vehicals make it in too but I'm sure there more to it than that.
Only about 300 more days till we get to play this sucker. Damn, 1998 is going to be
a long year. :>