SCE is horrible. It's a EA's Nascar Sim Racing rip off.
The pit's mod. No different then the rest. I spent 15 minutes tring to get
my wheel to work. Finally, rfactor caved in and left the wheel config.
Nothing special about the mod.
Todate, the only mod I felt was worth anything was the go-kart mod. NO wheel
problems, physics were ok and racing was fun! Out side of that I'm sad to
say rfactor is collecting dust like NSR.
Lets hope sim factor's ARCA racing will be somthing to talk about.
>> We now have the original mod that comes with the game, The Pits Stock Car
>> mod and version 0.98 of Stock Car Evolution.
>> Which one is the best and why?
>> I've run SCE ver 0.97 and TPSCC and tend to lean towards TPSCC mainly
>> cause it came with all the cars and the people involved have a long track
>> record of making good stuff.
>> Opinions?
> Not knowing much of anything, I prefer the Pits' mod. SCE is so busy
> bickering over things that they spend more time doing that-- and getting
> those quirky sponsors-- than improving on their sim.
> Alanb