Do you get any pains from racing...


Do you get any pains from racing...

by XLjunki » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Well, i happened to have a sore ass every now and then. Just isn't
the exact comfortable position racing behind a desk.
If it was, carmanufacturers would throw out the dashes and
build in a desk in their cars.... :-)

Oh, i sometimes have a splittin' headache, must be from banging
my head against the desktop after making another stupid mistake
getting through a corner....

-- XLjunkie--
"The Utility Pit"
-- --

> I'm surprised no one gets a sore ass!  Mine kills after a few hours
> racing....  amd my left hand (I race with only one hand on the wheel)
> to hurt from gripping to tightly (too tense!)

> speedy

> > The chair I sit in puts pressure in the wrong place on the bottom of
> > my thighs and impairs curculation, after a while my feet get a bit
> > numb and I loose throttle control.

> > "Honey,this chair is making my legs numb again, I think we better
> > order that  HyperStimulator".

> > >Hi,

> > >It might sound like a weird question to ask here.  But I have
> > >recently started to race a lot more.  I race about 2 hours, 3 or 4
> > >times a week.  I have a LWFF and I sit in a leather arm chair while
> > >I race.  I have been getting pain in my  back and arms lately, and
> > >I'm wondering if it's because of racing, or just because I have been
> > >sitting at a desk working on computers  for 8 years.

> > >Does anyone else get sore from racing?  If so, what parts of your
> > >body get sore, and what type of position are you in when you're
> > >racing.

> > >Any input would be greatly appreciated.

> > >Dean (Racing ID - Decawi)

> > --
> > Don Scurlock
> > Vancouver,B.C.


Do you get any pains from racing...

by Ian » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

LOL, I know that feeling :)

Ian Parker

UKGPL League


Do you get any pains from racing...

by Maps » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Well, the tremendous G forces do cause me a lot of neck pain. And I
dehydrate pretty heavily- got to replenish those fluids!

Seriously- my eyes hurt a lot from racing too much (looking at a
flourscent screen too long probably isn't wise), and also I find my
feet muscles cramp up easily after too much racing. I recline fairly
far back when I sim race- arms almost outstretched. This seems to have
gotten rid of the elbow/arm pain I used to have.

On Thu, 9 Mar 2000 14:45:07 -0800, "Dean Williams"


>It might sound like a weird question to ask here.  But I have recently
>started to race a lot more.  I race about 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a week.  I
>have a LWFF and I sit in a leather arm chair while I race.  I have been
>getting pain in my  back and arms lately, and I'm wondering if it's because
>of racing, or just because I have been sitting at a desk working on
>computers  for 8 years.

>Does anyone else get sore from racing?  If so, what parts of your body get
>sore, and what type of position are you in when you're racing.

>Any input would be greatly appreciated.

>Dean (Racing ID - Decawi)

Alexander J Rhode

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Alexander J Rhode » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> Hi,

> It might sound like a weird question to ask here.  But I have recently
> started to race a lot more.  I race about 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a week.  I
> have a LWFF and I sit in a leather arm chair while I race.  I have been
> getting pain in my  back and arms lately, and I'm wondering if it's because
> of racing, or just because I have been sitting at a desk working on
> computers  for 8 years.

> Does anyone else get sore from racing?  If so, what parts of your body get
> sore, and what type of position are you in when you're racing.

> Any input would be greatly appreciated.

> Dean (Racing ID - Decawi)

  I do get some pain if I race too much - like over 8-10 hours
per week. I get pain in my left wrist. Why? Well, I'm a
paraplegic, and use my hands and arms quite a lot. THis has led
to a beeakdown of the connective tissue in the wrist and allof
the wrist bones are now out of place and it's just a general
arthritic mess. I al use the hand for gas in sim racing, and
gas/brake in real life driving. To much use and whammo - I'm in
pain from arthritis flare up. I feel old - arthritis at age 30.

Oo\ Alex           | Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si

Peter Hoope

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Peter Hoope » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Unfortunately I suffered a back / neck injury playing football some years
ago and any extended periods at the pc can become very uncomfortable.
Mainly on the right side from the shoulder up the neck, if not careful I
can end up with a real bad pain at the point where the neck joins the
head... As I work on a PC all day this is a real problem.

Also the back got really bad a while ago after spending a couple of hours
racing GPL after attaching an Aura Interactor Cushion to the pc... loved
the feeling but haven't tried it again since as I don't want to risk any
more problems. Hmm... maybe i'll try it agaon over the weekend just to see
if it was maybe a coincidence.

Peter Hooper

Richard ZZ Busc

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Richard ZZ Busc » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Well, I keep getting a pain in my A**, from all the proctology exams I
keep getting on VROC starts.

Richard "ZZ" Busch

Official member:
Screamers Racing League
Sim Racing Mag Honda Challenge
Busch Motorsports:
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward
Busch Carpentry:
Plans?, Oh, you mean that napkin sketch?

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Jeff Murchison J

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Jeff Murchison J » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

ROFLOL only you ZZ

> Well, I keep getting a pain in my A**, from all the proctology exams I
> keep getting on VROC starts.

> --
> Richard "ZZ" Busch

> Official member:
> Screamers Racing League
> Sim Racing Mag Honda Challenge
> ----------------
> Busch Motorsports:
> Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward
> -----------------
> Busch Carpentry:
> Plans?, Oh, you mean that napkin sketch?

> Pursuant to US Code, Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter II, p.227, any and

> subject to a download and archival fee in the amount of Five-Hundred
> Dollars U.S. E-Mailing denotes acceptance of these terms.


Do you get any pains from racing...

by SpeedFree » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Heh. we havent mentioned getting blurred vision after 10-15 from
blinking less as we race!!! Remember to blink often!


Kurt Steinboc

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Kurt Steinboc » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>Heh. we havent mentioned getting blurred vision after 10-15 from
>blinking less as we race!!! Remember to blink often!


Isn't that the truth!  I finish a race, and my lids are permanently fused
open on my eyeballs, which look something like a lab rat's!


Matt Smit

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Matt Smit » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I used to hold my breath going round the two fast corners iat Monza. After
medium length races my lungs felt like they were going to explode.

Olav K. Malm

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> > I have a tendancy to pull my jaw back when I'm pushing it, during
> > training or qualifying, which results in numb jaw muscles. No problem
> > during races, though. But I haven't really tried any long races yet.

> I used to hold my breath going round the two fast corners iat Monza. After
> medium length races my lungs felt like they were going to explode.

Hehe, try any indoor rental-kart racing. After holding your breath in tricky
corners you grasp for air filled with exhaust gases :)  

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Matt Smit

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Matt Smit » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I did a race in little dirt kart things on a mud track once and just kept
inhaling dirt.

Uwe Schuerka

Do you get any pains from racing...

by Uwe Schuerka » Tue, 28 Mar 2000 04:00:00


>Does anyone else get sore from racing?  If so, what parts of your body get
>sore, and what type of position are you in when you're racing.

I have had chronic pain in both my shoulder joints for a couple
of years now, but I guess its more to do with my job (hacking
computers for eight hours a day) than with racing, although
there might be a connection since this is the time friends gave
me a T2 wheel for my birthday ;-)


Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
Ever wondered what's wrong with the world?
PGP Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61


Do you get any pains from racing...

by <ka0.. » Wed, 29 Mar 2000 04:00:00

   I have this pain and terrible ringing in my ears. I think it is from

   I do not remember having either the pain or ringing before I started
sim racing.

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