Just bought the game, but I have a few questions
1) on intermediate setting, I have played a few tracks in the rally section
and at the end of a course I receive a message telling me I have the fastest
time (and am given a long password). On a few occasions I have times 2
minutes faster than Colin McRea himself. As I am a beginner, and have hit a
number of walls and banks, surely this must be a mistake? Does the game rely
on my computer's internal clock, and could this be the problem?
2) are there any cheats to access the most difficult level?
3) I seem to be able to get around the courses without using the brake, and
simply taking my foot of the gas pedal. Is this right?
4) in the control section, it reads 'device 0', even though I am using a
3dfx card and the manual says it should be device 1. Can I change this
Thanks for any help