Hi all,
While looking for a way to fix the flashing while using my STB
Velocity AGP card in D3D I happened to find this. Its called Riva Reg. Its
written by a guy named Jesse Cook. Its for all Riva based cards and its a
registry patch. You can DL it at:
Its only 2.0K in size and all you do is Dbl. clic it and its installed. He
also includes a special patch just for Diamond V330 users. Now after
installing this reg patch it dint help my Flashing in D3D mode of CPR. I
have since talked to Alf at STB and he told me its a known issue that will
be fixed by new drivers out soon. But the good news is now in CPR while in
Software Only mode I am getting 30+ fps where as I used to get 20-25fps
depending on what I turned off. So now this is what I have on
Render=Software Only
Image quality=Good ( faster)
Details= all on except steering wheel & sky
Tire effects= tracks only
Mirrors=cars only
My Puter is a Dell 233MMX PII w/64MB Sdram & STB Velocity AGP card.
Hey folks if your using a Riva based card and CPR I highly recommend trying
this as I was pleasantly surprised by the results. Its so nice and smooth
and 30-35fps is quite good for having all these details on. I know I posted
that I also got 45-50+ in D3D mode but the flashing is *** the eyes
even if its not to bad on some tracks. but I still look forward to that
being hopefully resolved when STB gets thier new drivers on line.
BTW: when looking at Jesse Cooks readme in this patch I noticed a URL to
his own page it is definitely worth a look man he has some very good
utilities for W95 that I have been searching everywhere for. Here is his
Ok Aloha, Mike
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