having timing problems. It only happens online. Driving around a track the
sim seems to abruptly speed up or slow down randomly. It pretty much always
sends me into a spin or off the track unless it is on a straight. It's
almost like the inverse of warp -- instead of other people jumping around
the track randomly, I'm the one jumping aroundWhen I watch the clock in the
pit, it jumps around a lot, and every time I get the green to go to the
starting grid I'm the only one there, and I'm the only one when the flag
drops ( I don't know if this is related, but I assume it is). Does anyone
else have this problem? I couldn't find any answers on the VROC help page.
Maybe this is related to the timing problem that a second patch is rumored
to try to fix???
I'm running a p2 266, 128mb, herc thriller 8mb, 56k v90, nascar pro through
my soundcard, ????
Thanks, Brook