GPL and goosebumps

Mike Davi

GPL and goosebumps

by Mike Davi » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

    I left early yesterday and picked up my EB reserved copy of GPL on the way home. I installed the sim and then fired up my big Yamaha seven channel sound system with two subwoofers. I was hot-rodding the Ferrari around the Ring and just plain reveling in the sound of the V-12. I must have had the sound level really cranked, after a while I got a feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around and my neighbor was standing in the door to my study. He said he had heard the commotion and couldn't get anybody to answer the door, so he just walked in <ggg.>
    Needless to say, not much got done around the house last night except for a heck of alot of sim-racing fun. The sound is of the V-12's is absolutely incredible, Papy really got that part right!!! All the best, Mike

    IMHO, the sound you get driving the Ferrari is worth the price of admission. Not to mention all the other outstanding bits.......

    Scott Moore
    Hoosier MotorSports
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