I was wondering if anyone has be able to run N3 on the same system in Glide
and then in D3D to make some comparisons? My guess is that the Glide version
runs a lot better.
When the Voodoo 5 6000 comes out I plan on getting it.
Currently I have a Geforce DDR, P2 400, and 128 SDRAM.
N3, can get pretty choppy sometimes. Mostly when there is a lot of cars on
the track. However, I noticed that if I race several races online at the
same track, the track starts to develop some real crappy areas where the FPS
drops a lot. I wonder what causes that? It gets worse and worse with each
race I run.
Another thing that seems weird is that N3 seems to sun about the same FPS in
any of the three resolutions. Weird.
Eric Hansen
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