> > Some day I'm gonna get me the biggest effing dish I can afford and see
> > if I can get some decent motorsports on TV, Scandinavia, and Norway in
> > particular, are not known for their excellent motorsports coverage.....
> > Beers and cheers
> > (uncle) Goy
> That's odd too since the Viking lands have produced so many great
> motorsport heros. There's the F1 Finns, the Touring car Sweedes, the Great
> Rallye drivers. sorry I can't sort out all their names, but MOST of them
> all end the same
> en. :)
> dave henrie
Notice the lack of "Norway" in your post there Dave :-)
Motorsports just aren't that big here, the Swedes have a half decent
weekly program called "Pole Position", I get Swedish TV here so I try to
catch that one as often as I can, and they also have a half decent F1
coverage on race day, unlike the Norwegian coverage which is pure and
utter crap, Harald Huysman is no better as a "expert commentator" than
he was as a driver and some of his comments makes you realize why he
never quite made it
The fact that I have to turn to Swedish TV to find out how Thomas Rustad
is doing in the ETCC (not too good) speaks volumes about the state of
motorsports coverage over here
On the upside, with Petter Solberg's recent success in the WRC we're at
least getting some WRC coverage there, usually a 30 min recap each
evening of an event
Motorsport in Norway has for far too long been synonymous with Rally
the day he retired....only to learn that he's now into Politics and he's
just as annoying there as he was on/off the track
Can't speak for Finnland as they're not that close to us, but in Norway
you becaome a success in motorsports on your own, media isn't going to
do squat for you, and without media...no sponsors, or at least not a
whole lot
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.theuspits.com/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--