>Date: Sun, 07 Jan 1996 11:57:19 -0700
>> >I got an AMD 486DX4/120 and it is about 10% faster than a Pentium 75.
>> >Need for Speed,Nascar Racing and Indycar Racing are great with it !
>> Thanks Gord and/or Jane:
>> What detail do you run? Generally I'll use car detail, off track objects
>> without detail, skid marks and smoke/dust, but leave everything else off.
>> And thanks for pointing out that it's not an Intel-produced chip. I
>> _hate_ it when I jump to conclusions like that... :)
>> =p=I run Need for Speed in 640X480 with just the horizon turned off and
>everthing else on high. Nascar and Indycar with all graphics on but not
>in 640X480 I think you need a Pentium 133 to run those in hi-res mode.
>Gord Hunt
Diamond Stealth vid card. I can run Nascar in 640x480 with everything on but
road texture, and it runs fine. I'd get a PCI bus though, mine's VLB. IT
scores 260 on Norton's sysinfo, a friends Pentium 60, PCI, scores 190.