>-> I have seen a demo of GP2. On a Pentium-90 in VGA (*not* SVGA), setting the
>-> frame rate to 18.2 (the highest the demo allowed) resulted in a processor
>-> occupancy of 140%-150%.
>-> I'll bet it looks gorgeous on a Pentium Pro-200.
>-> (The above is my personal observation and has nothing to do with my position
>-> at Papyrus.)
>-> Rick Genter
>-> Technical Lead, IndyCar Racing II
>-> Papyrus Design Group, Inc.
>Taras, Rick Genter is a very well respected guy at Papyrus that developed
>IndyCar I and II and Nascar. Even though you may not like the games, this guy
>is level headed, knows what he is talking about and is well respected in the
>computer auto racing simulators newsgroups.
>I have extracted part of his response from a message dealing with Pentium
>upgrades and include it in this message to you, as it is the first occurance of
>someone outside of microprose quoting on frame rates.
>It is is true, that in is current form, WC2 needs a P90 to run 18.2 FPS, with
>140-150% for VGA ONLY, I have extrapolated that with a P166 I will get 21 FPS
>with 100% processor occupancy, and that I need six (6) P166's to get 30 FPS in
>SVGA (640*480), if technicaly possible (which it is not).
>My point is that to get good frame rate (30 FPS) in SVGA (640*480) currently
>requires more hardware than is available next week. If we want to run at 60
>FPS in 1024 * 768 we still need crays.
>I guess my real point is that Geoff Crammond still has a LOT of tuning to due
>before even really fast, never mind slow machines (the sidewinder and the
>Philly Flyer) will ever be able to run it at all. I thought Geoff was just
>tuning it for slow machines, but apparently he needs to tune it for ANY
>machine. Lets just wait and wait.
>On another note, someone is Lisbon, Spain says Microprose told a distributor to
>tell a dealer to tell its customers that WC2 is to be available Feb 24. 1996.
>Less than two months from now.
>Now you know how rumors get started.
Sorry Rainer but your statement is a bit shorted-minded. I have been
following the discussion on GP2 for some time now and I resent your
last paragraf.
The nature of my post (which was titled : "GP2 Release Date: Feb 24
(maybe!!)"), was the telling of a mere fact. As you can see, I even
had the care to put a "maybe!!" in the subject line, so that when
people pulls the body of the article they would know in advance that
the information they are going to read is not any sort of official or
confirmed release date of the game.
As for the body, which I present it to refresh your memory:
(Note: When I said game dealers I meant distributors)
As you can see, I am only telling a fact, I also comment that "I dont
know nothing about the veracity of that release date".
Anyway, I am sorry that you didnt like my post, I dont know why you
didnt but I supose it is because you are so F*CK UP with the delay
that you cant stand anybody saying more about release dates. Well,
maybe if you cant, it is better that you dont pull the articles you
see are about it.
As for me, I feel free to give my contribute to this newsgroup and I
do it always with the care of adding information that I think is
reliable and helpful so that people who reads it can respect me for
And as for the rest of your post, all I can say its that at leats I
dont post the sort of information you do:
at least I dont extrapolate. I only tell a FACT !!!!!!!!!!
Heres more ...
Gee, I dont know if Rainer is the same person than Roman Tschoban but
if they are, You sure know how to multiply!
The Pentium-90_in_VGA_18.2_frame_rate demo in that you were basing
your EXTRAPOLATIONS was presented in early September (in the time it
runned on a P75), which makes it and old one, and by this time the
graphics engine should have been improved and have higher frame rates,
though leaving your calculations a bit out of the present state of
Here well and for once :
BTW, Lisbon is the capital of Portugal, it is NOT in Spain. Despite of
NOT RESPECTING others people right of contributing to this newsgroup
you also are an IGNORANT !!! (Sorry, I normally wouldt say this to
anyone but youve asked for it)
And finally, if you want some rumors (which I have all the right to
post), here they go:
Ive heard there is some RUMORS (see the Zonkers GP page - there is a
link to it in the Dave "Gizmo"Gymer page) that Geoff Crammond said
that he wanted to release it in January and that there will be the1995
season data disk and 1996s (when available). Also in the Silverstone
British Motorracing fair some people said they played a SVGA release
of GP2 that looked pretty finished and although "Frame rate was not
grease lightening" "it was no slower than ICR2 with reasonably high
detail on my machine (P75).", with SVGA, etc (see posts below).
Everything is a rumor, inst it ?
And here is an opinion (mine):
As far as playing GP2, althoug it is not out, I think we will have to
make some trade, I BELIEVE that even with a Pentium 133 we will not be
able to play it the way we played F1GP (25fps) with all detail and
SVGA. Nevertheless, we can always switch from admiring the graphics
with all detail in SVGA (at a lesser FPS) or alternatively, run our
races with less detailed graphics but in a smoother way.
Bye for now,
P.S. - Sorry about the meanless discussion, but I couldnt leave it
Carlos Miguel Santos Cordeiro