Are there more hidden combos?
ctrl t will double the rate time passes. Very handy while qualifying.
(hint...warmer temps = faster lap times...advance time to the 30 minute
mark BEFORE beginning your Q laps)
dave henrie
> > ctrl + f gives you fps, hit the space bar at the beginning of a race
> > to go straight to starting lights...
> ctrl t will double the rate time passes. Very handy while qualifying.
> (hint...warmer temps = faster lap times...advance time to the 30 minute
> mark BEFORE beginning your Q laps)
> dave henrie
Maybe it does if it rains,,,but I'm a wuss and rarely run in the wet.
dave henrie
> > does it ever get colder?
> Maybe it does if it rains,,,but I'm a wuss and rarely run in the wet.
> dave henrie
> > ctrl + f gives you fps, hit the space bar at the beginning of a race
> > to go straight to starting lights...
> ctrl t will double the rate time passes. Very handy while qualifying.
> (hint...warmer temps = faster lap times...advance time to the 30 minute
> mark BEFORE beginning your Q laps)
> dave henrie
ctrl f is for fps during the race. It takes about a second after you
press the two keys simultaneously for the fps to be displayed in the upper
right corner. ctrl t advances time when you are in the garage looking at
the lap times or while on the track. If you are on the track the cars will
start whizzing around at double speed, if you are in the garage area the
timer will start clicking off seconds every half second. I don't think the
second feature would work during testing since there is no time limit
there.(I've never tried it to find out) but it should speed up the passage
of time in any of the race sessions. Remember only press the two keys NOT
the PLUS key and press and hold them down at the same time.
> > Tried ctrl + f, and ctrl + t, nothing happens?
> > Martin
> ctrl f is for fps during the race. It takes about a second after you
> press the two keys simultaneously for the fps to be displayed in the upper
> right corner. ctrl t advances time when you are in the garage looking at
> the lap times or while on the track. If you are on the track the cars
> start whizzing around at double speed, if you are in the garage area the
> timer will start clicking off seconds every half second. I don't think
> second feature would work during testing since there is no time limit
> there.(I've never tried it to find out) but it should speed up the passage
> of time in any of the race sessions. Remember only press the two keys NOT
> the PLUS key and press and hold them down at the same time.
Does EA localize their F1 games? Is the Euro keyboard different than a
USA keyboard? Hopefully somebody can clear this up. Perhaps the Euro
keyboard uses a different key for CTRL. I'm at loss. Sorry.
dave henrie
> > Thanks, but, it does not work....
> > Tried every possible key combinations.
> Does EA localize their F1 games? Is the Euro keyboard different than a
> USA keyboard? Hopefully somebody can clear this up. Perhaps the Euro
> keyboard uses a different key for CTRL. I'm at loss. Sorry.
> dave henrie