Thanks, it works great! I've still encountered a stutter or two in
practice, but nowhere near as bad as before, so I figure once my comp
gets used to the new settings, the stutter should go away for good.
Thanks again!!!
Brandon Reed
Reed Racing & Engineering/Team Tabasco
"We Do A Dodge Different"
>>Hi Gang..........
>>I've seen several posts on this topic, but didn't pay much attention
>>as I had not had this problem.
>>But now, with the installation of a new hard drive and the change of
>>all of my racing files to it, it's suddenly become a problem.
>>Does anyone have any idea what causes N3 to stutter at various
>>intervals (it can get hairy when it happens in the draft at Daytona,
>>trust me on this one), and how it can be fixed? I'm kind of stymied
>>on this one, and would greatly appreciate any help that could be
>>Brandon Reed
>>Reed Racing & Engineering/Team Tabasco
>>"We Do A Dodge Different"
>Brandon, if you have a new hard drive, be sure to enable
>'DMA' by going to windows control panel/system/dev mgr.
>and clicking on 'disk drives'/ 'generic ide'. Checkmark the DMA box..
>Also, be sure to use a fixed-length swapfile to prevent Windows
>from cnstantly re-sizing it and causing stutters.
>1) Go to control panel/system/performance/virt. memory
>2) Check the box that says 'disable virt. mem' , ignore the warning
>and allow it to re-boot.
>3) Defragment your hard drive with:
>start menu/programs/accesso./ system tools/disk defrag
>4) Go to control panel/system/performance/virt. memory
>5) Un-check the 'disable vm' box and set the minimum and maximum
>to the -same- size. For most systems, 300 high and 300 low is
>plenty. Apply, ignore warning, allow it to re-boot
>6) Go racin'
>Also, if you use M$ Office or M$ Word, be sure to disable 'FastFind'.
>Go to start button/run and type MSCONFIG
>Then, look in the Startup section of MSCONFIG to see if FastFind is
>hiding there. If it is, un-check it. Also, look in there for other stuff
>like virus checkers, Norton Util, and other ***that have no business
>running while ***.
>Prior to running any game, press ctl-alt-del and end all tasks except
>explorer and systray.
>Good luck!