so, first of all congrats to Stefano for the most incredible piece of coding
by a single guy i've ever seen, and thanks for making it all available for
free on the net. Now for my review. I think he got the feel quite right,
although it is certainly not "the newGPL" as someone said in an earlier
post. There's still _something_ missing, most notably the sensation of speed
in my opinion. In terms of cars i like the formula cars best. The saloon
cars are all a bit
*can't find the right adjective here*.Once someone here called 'em "dull"
and that's probably the closest description i can give. Another thing I'd
love to see is a gear display somewhere in those cars as well. Not that
small one in the lower left corner of the screen. Too busy to look there.:-)
But since it's like all programs a work in
progress thing, i'm sure great things lie ahead.So, where are the (modern)
F1 and the GPL era F1 cars? *waiting impatiently*
So, the bottom line is: A great program that needs some finishing touches.
Now looking at it this way, it's a great idea to use the whole internet
community as beta testers... :-)
ok, gotta get back to Falkenberg now for some Formula renault laps...