future) with a really decent steering wheel-pedal setup, and I'm willing
to spend around 130, but I'm not sure quite what to get. I want
something that feels good to use, and which allows 2 feet on the pedals
(left foot breaking, right foot gas).
I've currently got my eye on the Digital Edge F1 Sim (not the Compact
version). It doesn't feature FF, but I'm not too bothered, as the build
quality looks superb, and it supposedly has stiffened pedals and
steering to feel like the real thing.
I'm also considering the MS FF Steering Wheel, which also comes with 2
games. I'm not sure how it'd feel though.
I'd appreciate any advice concerning what to go for. If you can find the
time to write directly to my email account, that'd be even better as I
don't regularly check the newsgroup.
Thanks in advance.