I agree 100% with you on this.
> I missed the beginning of this thread, but if you're talking about
> driving with the keyboard as your controller, that's me!! If I can't
> make the arrow keys drive the car, with up as gas and down as brakes,
> forget it! I loathe game developers who insist that these aren't
> valid keys and won't let me configure them as such!!!!!!
> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:50:19 +0000, Gerry Aitken
> >> ) So is it just me, or does anyone else yearn for the good ol' days
> >> of keyboard racing?
> >It's not just you. I have a CBM64 emulator with a copy Revs for those
> >nostalgic moments.
> >Gerry
> >"I am in the vast majority with my opinions
> >on this subject." - David God Fisher
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