Ok, let me join the recap with a few of my memories/opinions!
1/ Game is hyped to the hilt for over a year - Revolutionary, 6 degree of freedom physics
model. An MMX/D3D Showcase item! best this, best that etc.............
2/ Shipped for Xmas in alpha status!
3/ MS promises ongoing support but simply keeps sucking people into buying it and waiting
for all the 1 month refund opportunities to expire.
4/ TRI sees the light and flees into the open arms of G.O.D.
5/ Goodbye!
6/ People don't want to admit they've been suckered and defend CPR to the death - yes,
till their inevitable death! LOL.
My view is that MS had no idea how easy the likes of Papyrus were making racing sim
developement look! CPR should have probably been being released this Xmas, not last!
> % Yes, I do agree that a lot of the criticism of CPR (and particularly the
> % vitriol with which it was expressed) was due to it having "Microsoft" on
> % the box cover. But John K was saying that "Its problem is nothing more than
> % that it's a MS product." That is simply not true and I most certainly do
> % not agree with him on that aspect.
> To be frank about this, I think the real reason CPR got the treatment it
> did here was because the developers promised to support and improve the
> product based on input from us the users. When people voiced their
> concerns (all be it at times quite harshly), the developers took their
> ball and went home, leaving us with an uncompleted simulation (one that
> held quite alot of promise). I think more than anything, many people
> took offense to this attitude and felt that they had been "duped" by the
> hype and where short-changed in the process.
> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
> Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Byron Forbes
Captain of Team Lightning Bolt