i was just thinking ...wouldnt it be cool if we could add a crowd wav.
occasionally in n2..say at talladega or...daytona....er i mean usa? :) is it
possible ...or should that get added to the n3/n4 wishlist?
i was just thinking ...wouldnt it be cool if we could add a crowd wav.
occasionally in n2..say at talladega or...daytona....er i mean usa? :) is it
possible ...or should that get added to the n3/n4 wishlist?
Not to critize your idea, but the croud never "waves".
They stand up when there's an accident or the cars go by sometimes.
no not crowd waving ....the sounds of the crowds cheering......real race
fans..never sit
nxs.net is my domain and kf-lan is my name.
real race fans HAVE to sit!
They'll come over the loud speakers and tell everyone to sit down.