% Will a second Diamond Monster3D-2 12MB (SLI) increase my frame rate for
% GPL? Right now I've got everything turned on, and am running at 800x600.
% I'm seeing dramatic changes in frame rate at the start of a race and when
% there is lot's of traffic.
% I'd like to see close to 37fps all the time without having to sacrifice
% graphics. Thanks in advance for your assistance. BTW - I'm running a
% Dell P2-400 with 64MB 100Mhz RAM.
I don't know that adding another Voodoo2 via SLI will really give you a
frame rate boost, but it should allow you to run higher resolutions with
similar frame rates as the 800x600. Especially since you may need to
lower the clock speed of the cards to run them in SLI mode.
The cheap fix, is to use the glide wrapper patch and set the mirrors to
refresh every other frame. Unless you drive exclusively by watching the
mirrors, you shouldn't notice the mirror refresh rate too much.
For those on the quest for high frame rates (and as much eye-candy as
you can get) and have a 3DFX card, try using the glide wrapper authored
by George Smiley <http://www.grandprix2.com/gpl/patches/glide2x.zip>.
Try setting the mirror to refresh every other frame. I found that this
works quite well (updates are often enough for safe defensive driving)
and allowed me to turn on more eye-candy at higher resolutions and still
maintain a fairly steady 36 fps. However, at some tracks I must turn
off the track and objects in the mirrors if everything else is turned
on. I am running a stock PII-300 and basically use the 640x480
resolution in GPL.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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