requirements that "AGP or 8MB of video memory (12MB for Voodoo 2) is
required for dashboards in 3d accelerated mode." The wording is clumsy
at best, but since I've only got a Monster 3d 1, I'm instantly out of the
loop. Leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, doesn't it?
Perhaps I'm comparing apples and oranges by bringing to mind
flight sims like Longbow 2 or F15, but how is it that these titles have
no problem in displaying 2d/3d fully functional***pit graphics
while NFS3 needs 12MB for a picture of a dashboard, two animated needles,
and a steering wheel?
Hmm... For the $270 it would cost for a 3d Blaster 2 I could get
Gran Turismo and a Playstation... Or I could just get GPL for that
advertised US$25 and save a lot of money. Speed Busters maybe (if I ever
find that damn demo)?
Nigel Mansell RIP!