> I must
> admit the graphics are nice and the game play is neat. But I still
> think that after 2 weeks at GPL, GT is a better game over-all.
You should shop around a bit. You can get a machine pretty close to top of
the range that will play GPL at 36 fps for half this. Try a 400MHz Celeron
(*** cheap in the current price war), dual Voodoo2 etc. For an extra
few quid you can get a modem and play online.
Oooo, temper, temper.
> I swear you people are way too serious about this shit. You forget its
> just a game, and its just one person's opinion. You need to get uo
> from the computer and go out and play with the other kids for a while.
"Hey, you take that serious? Get a life!" End of discussion.
How to get rid of censorship in German game releases
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
Folks, this ain't _squat_ compared to that hobby :)
> snip
> > I swear you people are way too serious about this shit. You forget its
> > just a game, and its just one person's opinion. You need to get uo
> > from the computer and go out and play with the other kids for a while.
> Yeah, that's the exact line I always tell people when they tell me about
> their hobby, e.g. stamp collecting, watching soccer matches, whatever.
> "Hey, you take that serious? Get a life!" End of discussion.
> l8er
> ronny
> --
> How to get rid of censorship in German game releases
> <http://www.gamesmania.com/german/maniac/freedom/freedom.htm>
> |\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
> ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
> |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
> '---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
> Folks, this ain't _squat_ compared to that hobby :)
> > GPL never crashed on my system, except that freeze on startup which was
> > easily fixed.
> I get lock up at the startup screen occasionally. How do you fix it? I have
> to kill GPL and start it up again and sometimes I have to reboot. I'd love
> to know the answer to this.
How to get rid of censorship in German game releases
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
However, you will also find RC Helicopter builders/flyers some of the
most safety concious people you will ever meet. I have never met one
yet that did not fully understand what they were involved in, the
dangers involved, and the safety proceedures to be adheered to.
Be stupid, and you will be immediately kicked off the flying field.
There is zero acceptance of idiocy in that hobby at established flying
These are incredibly difficult machines to fly, and like GPL, you
develop a great sense of accomplishment and pride when you get good at
It is not a hobby for the weak of heart or weak of dollar. They are
expensive, and you _will_ break them and have to rebuild them.
Nothing beats the satisfaction gained after mastering the Nose-In Hover,
the most difficult manuever there is in RC flying :)
>> Anyone here ever do Radio Controlled Helicopters?
>> Folks, this ain't _squat_ compared to that hobby :)
>I've watched those things - they look like flying rotary mowers, without the
>safety casing - I wouldn't like to take my kids into the park if someone were
>flying one of those,
By Shiny.
Dave Perry (the creative 'genius' behind Shiny) is something of a freak on RC
Copters, and has has put this game together for PSX. (the dual shock/analog
controllers are apparently perfectly close to real RC Controls...)
I played it at ECTS last year... it's well er.... Challenging 8)
>> I played it at ECTS last year... it's well er.... Challenging 8)
Well, they say it can;t be hard to hit the side of a barn... but well :P
it seems small, quick corrections are the way to fly the thing, but i
recommend it without hesitation.
>>Then it's realistic :)
>>> I played it at ECTS last year... it's well er.... Challenging 8)
>Well, strangely enough in the demo... you have to hit a target... on the side
>of a barn.
>Well, they say it can;t be hard to hit the side of a barn... but well :P
>it seems small, quick corrections are the way to fly the thing, but i
>recommend it without hesitation.
> hehe
> Well, they say it can;t be hard to hit the side of a barn... but well :P
> it seems small, quick corrections are the way to fly the thing, but i
> recommend it without hesitation.
> Z.