>As an avid PC racer and part time PSX player - I'm sorry to have to say:
>Yep, GT is, overall, a far better racing sim than ANYTHING currently
>available on the PC.
>But I'm not here for that (c: All I wanted to know was - Is GT2 going to
>have damage modelling? It's the only thing letting GT down.
>Andre Queree (Mr Q)
>E-mail for genuine purposes (not spam) can be sent to:
>queree AT fl DOT net DOT au
>(just replace the obvious bits)
>>>A year later, and there's still nothing on the PC that can match GT for
>>>sheer depth!
>>GT is good, but it's not THAT good.
I'm a fanatic racing 'simulation' player. For me, nothing is more fun than
tweaking the setups in CART Precision Racing, or Nascar Racing, or Indycar
Racing, or even Grand Prix Legends, which is the master of all racing games.
But I don't think that Gran Turismo was supposed to be a simulator. It's was
quite simply an arcade game - hop in, turn on the engine, get going...
The graphics in Grand Turismo certainly did show a vast improvement over any
other Playstation game, and these days you really can't expect them to be
anywhere near as good as they would be on a quality PC, especially with 3D
support, like the Voodoo II, or even SLI. But that's not what the
Playstation is for. It's excellent for arcade games, not simulations.
Some of the things however which were a disapointment was the lack of damage
effects, or even dirt when you drove on the grass, and the AI wasn't up to
much. I also can't stand the fact that you had to pass these licenses to get
new cars and tracks. Games ALWAYS lose points, in my mind, when they do
that. I like to be able to choose which tracks, which car, which setups,
which colours, etc, without having to do anything expect start the game.
It's fine to add hidden cheats, like bonus rounds, after lets say winning
the championship, but nothing else.
Also, the fact that there were no cheats available, unless you had an add-on
pack (I forget the name) was a MAJOR bummer, and I'm sure it annoyed a lot
of people, not just myself.
I'd say that at the current time the best racing game on the Playstation is
Collin McRae Rally, and the worst is certainly Formula 1 98.
And as for the PC, it rules so high up on the scheme of things that it can't
get much higher...
And when you look at games like Grand Prix Legends and compare it to games
we had just five, ten years ago, I'm left speechless!