>Sim racing is not a "game" to me.....its my hobby. Its no more a "game" to
>me than golf could be called a "game" to a golfer. I also know many
>golfer's who've spent twice that much money on their golf clubs, shoes,
>clothing.....lessons, golf balls....then they spend $100 every weekend to go
>play! I have nearly $10K invested in computers, sound system, race seat
>(with vibration "actuators"....alone these cost more than many people's
>computer cost).....$500 dollars for a good racing sim would be "par" for the
>course.....and money well spent in my opinion. $40 dollars spent on some
>"arcade game masquerading as a racing simulation".....was too much to
>pay....we've all done it and been pissed about it later. I guarantee you
>that if someone had the balls to charge $500 for a racing simulation....it
>would be an awesome racing simulation....I wouldn't bat an eye to buy WSC if
>that's what it ended up costing. It won't....but just making a point with
>You should know that there's lots of wealthy people....who love racing as
>much as we do. They are just now finding out about this "secret" we've been
>keeping from them.....and they don't hesitate to spend money on something
>they like to do. I know two guys....both are having full-size Winston Cup
>style***pits made for them....for their dens. And they are putting in
>"plasma screens".....where the windshields should go....at $40K each!
Dude, if I had THAT kind of money, I sure wouldn't be spending it on sims. I'd
be doing it for REAL...<G> I can't imagine spending more for the plasma screen
than my parents paid for their HOUSE...<shrug>
Like I said - must be nice to have that kind of money. I wouldn't know - I'll
never have it...
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 1951-2001
Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
GPL F1 hcp. +28.67...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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