>>I have recently tried the link feature on F1GP. I ran on modem not
>>direct. I noticed that the game was very "choppy", this included the
>>sounds as well. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?
>I had the same experience a couple weeks ago. I was only able to get 8
>fps and that was still not great. Someone suggested turning off
>compression and error correction by changing the modem init string. I
>was then able to get 14 fps. The string we used was "AT\N0#C0", check
I have been running one 486DX50 (not DX2) and one 486DX33 linked together
with a null modem cable. Before connecting them F1GP ran at 25 fps on
the DX50 and approx 20 on the DX33.
When I connected them the speed fell to 2-5 fps on the machines, but it
was never lower than 18 fps.
The communication speed was 9600 baud if I don't remember wrong. I have
a vague memory of trying different wpeeds and not seeing any difference...
Anyway, this should mean that if your modem actually supports 9600 baud
or more you should be able to reach these speeds. Otherwise the modem
doesn't support that speed (seen from outside the modem, the speed
between the modems can still be 9600 but there can be a lot of non-user-
data being trasferred). But this is a guess.