> says...
> > > I'm usually into PC action, racing and stratagy games, hence my posting
> > > here.
> > > What are some worthy more *** orientated action games with puzzles or
> > > strategy envolved? Or a decent racing game - Driver2, Colin Magree2.0??
> > Advance Wars is fantastic. It plays a lot like Panzer General.
> Advance Wars plays alot more like the Battle Isle series, some might
> say it is a clone thereof.
> - Factory
Advance wars is considered just about the best strategy game. It
reminds me a little of Metal marines on the snes, but not as good.
Another one that is hard to find and also considered one of the best is
Oger Tactics. I Just bought a GBA last week and a few days before I saw
this game there, but it wasn't there by the time I decided to buy the
GBA. You can still buy it on EBgames.com though.
Take a look at some of the online reviews for GBA games on ebgames.com
and gamerankings.com.