today i visited the Euopean Repair Center from Thrustmaster to pick up
some spare-parts for my GP1-Wheel. I asked them about the future of the
Thrustmaster customer support.
Here is what they told me:
Thrustmaster will continue their support during the warranty (as said on
r.a.s.?) If the warranty is over you can get spare-parts for a little
repair-cost lump sump of 10,-DM/5$( I hope it's the right word for
'Reparaturkostenpauschale'. Sorry if it's wrong. Maybe someone can
translate it). As I know them you'll get real value for the money:))You
will get spare-parts for old and new controllers.
What will happen if you send a complete wheel after the warranty is over
they couldn't tell me.
They also told me, that GI wants to decentralize their cusomter support
and that GI wants to build up repair centers in some more European
countries. What they told me only counts for Europe.