Midtown Madness. I have played racing games in the past (ICR, ICR2,
and Nascar), but not for very long. For some reason I would lose
interest. Upon the purchase of these two new games, I also purchased
a wheel. Not knowing how much of a difference it would make, I
purchased a $50 TM Charger. I really like using the wheel for racing.
It may improve the games longevity. A few questions:
1) Does anyone have any opinions of this wheel? Just curious how it
stacks up. Mine came with pedals.
2) The wheel feels a little "notchy" when I make minute turning
adjustments in Viper Racing. Any way to smooth this out?
3) I have played aroung with the dead zone and senstivity adjustments
in both games, but cannot find the sweet spot. I intuitively
understand what these two settings accomplish, but I do not understand
their dynamic. Does anyone have tips for making these adjustments?