You could try GPL SS Animator from http://www.racesimcentral.net/
(it's located in the "Uutiset" section, 18.10.1999, page is finnish
but pakage GPL_MPEG.zip contains readme.txt in english).
It's not an easy and quick way, but it does the job, as included demo
shows :)
I was hoping something like this would show up someday, and here it
is. It was released on 18.10.99. I couldn't give it a try so far since
I'm at work, but the demo mpeg looks great.
The principle of this program is easy: When watching a replay, you can
make constant pbf files with f1, and you can also change the camera
position in the meantime. After you're done, you can convert all the
pbf files to a mpeg file.
Thanks Timo for the link!