I only just had a closer look at a GPL advertising in a German game
magazine, and there is a screenshot that really got my attention, here's
The screenshot shows the Team-Info screen of the Lotus team. On top there
are the images of the drivers (as in the final release), and on the bottom
there's an image of the car (other than in the f.r.). Nothing special, you'd
say, but the best (or shall I say the shock?) is yet to come...
Right in between the above mentioned are three buttons:
-Team Ratings
-Maximum chassis/event
-Team History
The first button has been clicked on in the screenshot, and there's three
sliders! Unfortunately the screenshot is so small I can't read the text next
to the sliders.
Then, on the left side of the screen there's an opened pull-down menue with
11 choices (screenshot is snipped so I can't read them except for the last
one FERRARI). What's that about?
Forgive me if this ain't news to you, but I thought it'd be interesting.
I would have enclosed the screenshot, but it's really small, you wouldn't be
able to see anything.
Heh! Besides it's an official Sierra ad!
Why the hell...