> Bit of an extreme solution for one sim but you could try reversing the
> polarity of your pedal pots (swap the wires round). The other sims
> /should/ be able to handle the change, although of course that won't
> help your combined axis problem.
I already rewired them back in the f12k days when I was having problems
with *that* sim as you may recall. ;-) Even if I should rewire the
brake axis, that would most likely not solve the "gas is half on"
problem at the slightest touch of the pedal. It's not so bad that it's
half on when I touch the throttle, but it *stays* at half on even if I
take my foot off the pedal. Then again, I did not spend much time with
it at my son's machine last night because I just wanted to check
wether the wheel would work at all.
Yep, I did, because I'd read that here before.
Thanks for your support! While I might get a "valid" win2k license
from work at no cost at all, I am a bit hesitant to "upgrade" my
machine just to be able to start RBR, and with the axis problem left I
think I'll shelve the game for now and wait for the patch (any news if
there's even going to be one?), unless Amazon.de agree to take it back
for a refund (haven't from them yet).
Does w2k have gameport support or will I need to upgrade the TSW2 with
a usb converter and new pots?
cheers & all the best,
mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
Uwe Schuerkamp //////////////////////////// http://www.schuerkamp.de/
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
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