> I made my own wheel/pedal set and wired it up to the sound card. I've
> been using the cheap 100K pots and replace them quite often, sometimes just
> moments before the green falls during a league race :-). Any case, How is
> the "Optical" set up? What is used and how is it used? If someone could
> explain I'd like to tinker with just such a setup for the home made wheel
> (and if possible, the gas, brake, and clutch).
If you have a mouse with a ball, not the new ones with the laser stuff, open it
and you'll understand what is an optical stuff.
The thing is quit simple, there is a wheel witth hole in it at the edge. In on
side of the wheel there is a light source and at the other side there is a light
resistor, this is a resistor wich is resistance to electrecity change with the
amout of ligt it receive.
> --
> Michael A. Barlow
> FILSCA (www.filsca.com)
> > Guys,
> > Gonna need a new wheel soon, I think.
> > The biggest feature I have loved about my old MSFF is that the wheel is
> > optically encoded.
> > This has meant years of trouble free steering, and no pot replacements! At
> > last!! :-) Remember the days of the old thrustmaster wheels, where you
> were
> > replaceing pots almost monthly!!?
> > Anyhow, I'm considering the MOMO, but I don't want to step back into the
> pot
> > replacement days - I know the LWFF has a pot, but does the MOMO?
> > What other wheels are optical?
> > Thanks.
> > R.
> > --
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