I seem to recall some screenshots floating around, and many early
posts pertaining to sunglare being a new feature of the game yet I
haven't seen it yet. Is it actualy there?
>>Earlier I unpacked my taladega.dat file and in there was a SUNNY.PCX
>>file. What is this. Is it something to put in for the sunglare.
>No, that's the game palette for sunny days. (Contrast with NIGHT.PCX,
>which is for night tracks. If there is a CLOUDY.PCX that's for cloudy
>days [I don't actually remember if cloudy days makes the whole screen
>overcast looking, or if it just puts more clouds in the sky...])
>> If
>>there is ANY way to put sunglare into the game, then how do you do it.
>>There has to be a way. Maybe some hackers or some REAL SMART PEOPLE
>>could figure a way out to put the sun glare in. And who knows, maybe
>>later they can get flipping into the game.
>Maybe they could, but I'd be real careful to remember to breath while
>waiting for it, rather than holding my breath... :-)
>---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron Riekens II ***
**** Co-Owner - Driver ****
**** Maui Sunshine Raceing/*** Photography ****
*** NASS BGN Series #97 Pontiac ***
* http://www.racesimcentral.net/~frelance/msr.html *