F1RS and Montego Problems

Greg Cisk

F1RS and Montego Problems

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I am not aware of an Aureal sound patch from Ubisoft. I am aware of
a DirectSound3D patch though. BTW, this patch works fine on an
Ensoniq AudioPCI.

Judging from your report, I owuld say you are shit out of luck.
You need either new Drivers, or another patch from Ubisoft
which is not very likely.

Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

Dave Ma

F1RS and Montego Problems

by Dave Ma » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00


Well, IMO, I think that's overstating the situation.

I'm successfully running this config:

PII 300 (Dell Dimension XPS D300)
TB Montego
Orchid R3D-II 12MB
CH GameCard

with F1RS patch 1.09.

I've tried both the original and more recent 3D sound patches for
F1RS, with both the TB and SoundBlaster PCI cards, with and without
the CH GameCard.  My results were spotty with all these configurations
while trying to use either of the 3D soundpatches.

So, I wound up reinstalling F1RS and patch 1.09, without either 3D
soundpatch.  It runs extremely well.

I've seen very conflicting reports about the quality of F1RS' 3D sound
from people who are using the soundpatch(es).  Some really like it,
others think it sucks.  I could only really get it to work if I used
the original engine and shifting sounds, which *really* suck IMO.  I
was not willing to dump the current engine and downshift sounds I'm
now using just in an attempt to get the 3D soundpatch to work.

My advice is to blow off the 3D soundpatch(es) until Monaco Grand
Prix/F1RS2 ships.
Dave Mack

(remove "nospamfor_" for correspondence)

Richard Busc

F1RS and Montego Problems

by Richard Busc » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a Montego and the sound3d patch worked for me. Although I have
problems with editing sounds. Sometimes they sound weird and I have to
reedit. But for the most part the sound3d patch did the trick for me.

BTW,  has anyone noticed the Montego doesn't work to well when used with
a surround sound stereo receiver?


Busch Carpentry
Busch Motorsports
"Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward"


F1RS and Montego Problems

by DPHI » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

><HTML>Subject: Re: F1RS and Montego Problems<BR>

>Date: 9/11/98 6:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time<BR>


>>The game is<BR>
>>pretty much unusable the way it is with the Montego (unless I'm missing<BR>
>Well, IMO, I think that's overstating the situation.<BR>
>I'm successfully running this config:<BR>
>PII 300 (Dell Dimension XPS D300)<BR>
>TB Montego<BR>
>Orchid R3D-II 12MB<BR>
>CH GameCard<BR>
>with F1RS patch 1.09.<BR>
>I've tried both the original and more recent 3D sound patches for<BR>
>F1RS, with both the TB and SoundBlaster PCI cards, with and without<BR>
>the CH GameCard.  My results were spotty with all these configurations<BR>
>while trying to use either of the 3D soundpatches.<BR>
>So, I wound up reinstalling F1RS and patch 1.09, without either 3D<BR>
>soundpatch.  It runs extremely well.<BR>
>I've seen very conflicting reports about the quality of F1RS' 3D sound<BR>
>from people who are using the soundpatch(es).  Some really like it,<BR>
>others think it sucks.  I could only really get it to work if I used<BR>
>the original engine and shifting sounds, which *really* suck IMO.  I<BR>
>was not willing to dump the current engine and downshift sounds I'm<BR>
>now using just in an attempt to get the 3D soundpatch to work.<BR>
>My advice is to blow off the 3D soundpatch(es) until Monaco Grand<BR>
>Prix/F1RS2 ships.<BR>
>Dave Mack<BR>

>(remove "nospamfor_" for correspondence)<BR>

I spent a week trying to get an Ensoniq PCI card to work on my machine, with
and without the different 3D patches, new drivers from, fresh
install of F1RS, swearing, extra cooling fans, etc,(couldn't run more than 2
laps in a race without the sim freezing),before I finally gave up and
reinstalled my old Soundblaster 16. It runs fine again and all is right with
the world!


"To race is to live, everything else is just waiting." - Rudi Caricciola

Tom Quic

F1RS and Montego Problems

by Tom Quic » Mon, 14 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Sorry.. I too have exact same card and went the exact same route you have
and after blowing up at UBiSoft I gave up.. there best recommendation was to
talk to all of the folks on here in hopes that one of us could solve it on
our own... guess we are just SOL!!!

>>The Aureal sound patch from Ubisoft was necessary to even get the game to
>>beyond the intro video.  Even with the patch installed, however, it
>>dumps me back to the desktop (i.e. crashes) when racing.

>I am not aware of an Aureal sound patch from Ubisoft. I am aware of
>a DirectSound3D patch though. BTW, this patch works fine on an
>Ensoniq AudioPCI.

>>Besides changing sound cards, anyone have any ideas?  I've talked to
>>support and beyond applying the patches in various orders and making sure
>>other programs are running, they didn't seem to have any suggestions.  I
>>think they're real familiar with the Montego yet.

>Judging from your report, I owuld say you are shit out of luck.
>You need either new Drivers, or another patch from Ubisoft
>which is not very likely.

>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

David Ewin

F1RS and Montego Problems

by David Ewin » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> In my PII-400/Velocity 128 AGP system (D3D), F1RS doesn't seem to much like my
> Turtle Beach Montego 3D sound card.  This card is based on the Vortex chipset
> and does Aureal A3D audio.

> The Aureal sound patch from Ubisoft was necessary to even get the game to run
> beyond the intro video.  Even with the patch installed, however, it randomly
> dumps me back to the desktop (i.e. crashes) when racing.

Just another data point -- I have a P2 400, STB 128 nVidia 8 MB Zx,
Diamond Monster 3D2 12 MB and a Turtle Beach Montego 3D.  I just
F1RS (right out of the box) on Friday (the 3dfx version of the
and it ran fine.  I then applied the 1.09 patch, which cleared up some
glitches on the screen, and it still worked fine.

I haven't tried any A3D specific patch, however.

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