Hi all,
I installed the 3dfx patch for Nascar 2 a few weeks ago. After i figured out
that you gotta run a different executable (stupid readme files...) I was
very happy with the performance. I had only run some short races so all was
working well. I got the expansion pack this weekend and everything seemed
fine until i tried a longer race (50%) at C***te. After about 25 laps (I
was in 1st!!!) my graphics would start to lock up for several seconds at a
time. The game would keep running.. but by the time the graphics came back I
would be in the wall watching my front wheel roll down the track without me.
Anyway, has anyone else had this problem? Only seems to happen after 20 or
so laps.
Here is my system:
k6 200 MMX
48 Meg RAM
Diamond Stealth 2000 2mb
Creative Voodo 2 12mb