A new Ridge Racer game is expected to be announced by Namco in Japan on
Monday for Xbox 360, or possibly for both the Xbox 360 and PS3.
the announcement is meant to happen at or during the Xbox Japan Summit
Event where new Japanese games are going to be revealed for the 360.
aside from the handheld Ridge Racer for PSP and Ridge Racer DS, there
has not been a console Ridge Racer game for over 5 years, since the
release of RRV on PS2 in March 2000.
(no I am not counting from the Oct 2000 U.S. release of PS2)
Namco's multi-platform R: Racing Evolution does not count and was a
total disaster of a game.
I am very much looking forward to a new Ridge Racer, Rave Racer or Rage
Racer game from Namco for Xbox 360 and possibly Playstation3 as well.